Real Time Bus Tracker screenshot Real Time Bus Tracking Map Animation

Real Time Bus Tracking Map Animation

Eye Movement Exercise screenshot

Eye Movement Exercise

Hi there 👋

My name is Ahmad Karimi and I am currently enrolled in the MIT xPRO Full Stack Development course. I have been interested in software development for as long as I can remember, but have not seriously pursued it until now.

I am based out of Washington DC, and I have done many things prior to this, but I am excited to go forward and keep learning.

  • Degree in Biology and Chemistry
  • Currently work as a Project Engineer
  • Owned a Leatherworking business
  • Hosted a Jazz radio show
  • Web development with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
  • Front end development with React
  • Back end development with MongoDB, Express, and Node.js

Here you will find a portfolio of some of the work I've completed for this course, as well as some other projects I am working on.

Ahmad Karimi

Get in touch